University of Regina

The University of Regina PIMS site office is located in the Department of Mathematics and Statistics at the University of Regina (Map).

URegina College Campus
Scientific, Seminar
URegina Topology & Geometry Seminar: Martin Frankland
November 22, 2023
University of Regina
So far, we learned that a deformation problem is controlled by a DG Lie algebra, and that solutions to the deformation problem correspond to Maurer-Cartan (MC) elements. However, different MC elements may yield equivalent deformations! The DG Lie...
Scientific, Seminar
URegina Topology & Geometry Seminar: Francis Bischoff
November 8, 2023
University of Regina
In this seminar, we have seen that problems in deformation theory are often controlled by differential graded Lie algebras (dgla). For example, in Martin's talk, we saw how the deformations of an associative algebra are controlled by a dgla structure...
Scientific, Seminar
URegina Topology & Geometry Seminar: Elliott Cheung
November 1, 2023
University of Regina
We will describe a discretization of Chern-Simons theory using Whitney forms. Derived moduli spaces are often described using L-infinity algebras and it is interesting to explore how a derived moduli space varies as we modify the 'governing L...
Scientific, Seminar
URegina Topology & Geometry Seminar: Martin Frankland
October 25, 2023
University of Regina
We will discuss the link between Hochschild cohomology and deformations of an algebra A. We will see that the Hochschild cochains of A can be endowed with a differential graded (DG) Lie algebra structure. The Maurer-Cartan equation describes the...
Scientific, Distinguished Lecture
URegina-PIMS Distinguished Lecture: Ben Williams
October 20, 2023
University of Regina
An Azumaya algebra is something that is "locally" isomorphic to a matrix algebra. By varying the sense of "locally", we arrive at different incarnations of the concept. The motivating example is that of central simple algebras over a field. In this...
Scientific, Seminar
URegina Topology & Geometry Seminar: Ben Willliams
October 18, 2023
University of Regina
This is joint work with Uriya First. Azumaya algebras are objects that are locally isomorphic to matrix algebras—over a topological space X, they are bundles of matrix algebras. If the base space X is endowed with a self-map of order 2 (which may be...
Scientific, Distinguished Lecture
URegina-PIMS Distinguished Lecture: Colva Roney-Dougal
October 6, 2023
University of Regina
What does a random permutation group look like? This talk will start with a brief survey of how we might go about counting subgroups of the symmetric group Sn, and talk about what is known about “most” subgroups. To tackle the general problem, it...
Scientific, Seminar
URegina Topology & Geometry Seminar: Catherine Ray
October 4, 2023
University of Regina
The action of the automorphisms of a formal group on its deformation space is crucial to understanding periodic families in the homotopy groups of spheres and the unsolved Hecke orbit conjecture for unitary Shimura varieties. We can explicitly pin...
Scientific, Seminar
URegina Topology Seminar: Martin Frankland
January 24, 2023
University of Regina
Topological quantum field theories (TQFTs) are one of several mathematical approaches to quantum field theory in physics. They were introduced by Atiyah in the 1980s. The cobordism hypothesis, proposed by Baez and Dolan in the 1990s, is a statement...
Scientific, Distinguished Lecture
Prairie Mathematics Colloquium: Payman Eskandari
January 26, 2023
University of Regina
Periods are numbers that arise as integrals of rational functions with coefficients in Q over sets that are cut out by polynomial inequalities with coefficients in Q. More conceptually, periods are numbers that arise from the natural isomorphism...


Position Name Email Phone # Office
PIMS Site Director - University of Regina Allen Herman +1 (306) 585-4487 College West 307.18
Site Administrator, University of Regina Connie Renwick (306) 337-3122
Education Coordinator - University of Regina Patrick Maidorn +1 (306) 585-4013 College West 307.3
Name Position Research Interests Supervisor Year
Alice Lacaze-Masmonteil PIMS-CNRS Postdoctoral Fellow, University of Regina Combinatorics Karen Meagher 2024
Samir Mondal PIMS Postdoctoral Fellow, University of Regina Linear Algebra, Matrix Theory & Combinatorics Shaun Fallat 2024
Himanshu Gupta PIMS Postdoctoral Fellow, University of Regina Combinatorics Shaun Fallat 2023
Prateek Vishwakarma PIMS Postdoctoral Fellow, University of Regina Linear and Multilinear Algebra, Matrix Theory Shaun Fallat 2021
Venkata Raghu Tej Pantangi Postdoctoral Researcher Group Theory and Generalizations Karen Meagher 2021
Seyed Ahmad Mojallal Postdoctoral Researcher, University of Regina Combinatorics Shaun Fallat 2020
Tseleung So University of Regina Algebraic topology Donald Stanley 2019
Ferdinand Ihringer University of Regina Combinatorics Karen Meagher 2016
Asghar Ghorbanpour University of Regina Geometry 2015
Paul Arnaud Songhafouo Tsopmene University of Regina 2015