Scientific Review Panel

The scientific activities of the Pacific Institute for the Mathematical Sciences are reviewed by an arm's-length Scientific Review Panel (SRP) of experts from various fields of the mathematical sciences. The SRP meets once a year to make recommendations to the Board on the selection of upcoming scientific activities.

Derek Bingham
Professor of Statistics and Actuarial Science, Simon Fraser University
Anthony Bonato
Professor of Mathematics, Toronto Metropolitan University
Dan Coombs
Professor of Mathematics and Department Head, University of British Columbia
Ellen Eischen
Professor of Mathematics, University of Oregon
Sinan Güntürk
Professor of Mathematics at the Courant Institute of Mathematical Sciences of New York University
Jonathan C. Mattingly
James B. Duke Distinguished Professor of Mathematics and Statistical Science, Duke University
Rafe Mazzeo
Professor of Mathematics, Stanford University, Director - Park City Mathematics Institute
Robert McCann
Professor of Mathematics, University of Toronto
Nilima Nigam
Professor of Mathematics, Simon Fraser University
Stephanie Portet
PIMS Site Director - University of Manitoba
Emily Riehl
Professor of Mathematics, Johns Hopkins University
Gabriel Paternain
Co-Director International
Kristine Bauer
Co-Director Industrial
Denise Feighan
Chief Operations Officer
Dr. Özgür Yilmaz
Director, Professor of Mathematics University of British Columbia

Past SRP Members

PIMS would like to thank the following people for their past membership and participation in the PIMS Scientific Review Panel

President, Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council (NSERC)
Professor of Mathematics, UC-Berkeley
Professor of Mathematics, University of British Columbia
Professor of Mathematics, University of British Columbia
Professor of Mathematics, University of Waterloo
Professor of Mathematics
Professor of Mathematics, University of Michigan
Professor of Mathematics, University of Wisconsin
Professor of Mathematics, University of British Columbia
Professor of Mathematics (retired), University of British Columbia
James B. Duke Distinguished Professor of Mathematics and Statistical Science, Duke University
University of California
CRC Chair & Professor, Faculty of Science – Mathematics & Statistical Sciences, University of Alberta
Professor of Mathematics, University of British Columbia
Professor of Computer Science, University of British Columbia
Executive Director, American Institute of Mathematics
Professor of Mathematics (CRC), McMaster University
Professor of Mathematics, CEREMADE, Université Paris-Dauphine
Professor of Applied Mathematics, Texas A&M University
Professor of Computer and Mathematical Sciences, University of Toronto at Scarborough
Professor of Mathematics, UCLA
Professor of Mathematics, University of British Columbia
Professor of Computer Science, University of Alberta
Professor of Mathematics, University of California
Professor of Statistics, University of Washington
Professor of Computer Science, Simon Fraser University
Professor of Computer and Electrical Engineering, University of Victoria
Eugene Higgins Professor of Mechanical & Aerospace Engineering and Applied and Computational Mathematics, Princeton University
Professor of Mathematics, University of Washington
James McGill Professor, McGill University
Professor of Computer Science, University of California
Professor of Mathematics, Brown University
Professor of Mathematics, Rutgers University
Craig McKibben and Sarah Merner Endowed Professor of Mathematics, University of Washington
Professor of Mathematics, Northwestern University
Professor of Mathematics and Canada Research Chair at the University of Toronto
Professor of Mathematics, Simon Fraser University
Professor of Mathematics and Professor of Statistics at the University of Chicago
Kennedy Chair in Mathematical Biology Mathematics and Statistics, University of Victoria
Professor of Mathematics, University of Oregon
Joseph Morley Drake Professor of Physiology, Director of the Centre for Nonlinear Dynamics in Physiology and Medicine
John Evans Chair in Applied Mathematics, Northwestern University
Professor of Mathematics, Simon Fraser University
Professor of Mathematics, University of Alberta
Director of the Institute for Mathematics Applied to Geosciences, National Center for Atmospheric Research
Professor of Computer Science and Mathematics, New York University
Professor of Mathematics, Stanford University
Arts & Sciences Distinguished Professor, Emory University
University of California Santa Barbara
Professor of Computer Science, University of British Columbia
Professor of Mathematics, University of Victoria
PIMS Site Director - University of Victora
Andew MacLeish Distinguished Service Professor in Computer Science, University of Chicago
Professor of Computer Science, CRC Chair in Graph Theory, McGill University
Professor of Statistics, University of Toronto
Professor of Applied Mathematics, Simon Fraser University
Professor of Mathematics and Economics, University of California at Irvine
Lilian and George Lyttle Professor of Applied Mathematics, Professor of Mathematics, Neural Science, and Mechanical Engineering, w York University
Professor of Mathematics, University of British Columbia
Professor of Mathematics, Stanford University
Professor Emeritus, Department of Statistics, University of Washington
Professor of Mathematics, University of California at Irvine
Professor of Mathematics, Princeton University
Professor of Mathematics, University of Washington, and Director of the Simons Laufer Mathematical Sciences Institute
Professor of Mathematics, University of Washington
Associate Professor of Mathematics, University of Texas
Professor of Mathematics, University of British Columbia
Professor of Mathematics, University of Calgary
Professor of Mathematics, University of California San Diego