Pi in the Sky

Pi in the Sky magazine is primarily aimed at high-school students and teachers, with the main goal of providing a cultural context/landscape for mathematics. It has a natural extension to junior high school students and undergraduates, and articles may also put curriculum topics in a different perspective.

Latest Issue

Pi in the Sky 22

Pi in the Sky 22


In this issue:

  • Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet
  • Maximus metus, non laoreet diam ipsum eu eros
  • Quisque sit amet erat odio, nulla nisi metus, rhoncus vitae
  • Integer eros lorem, efficitur id porta et, dictum sed lacus
  • Pellentesque egestas orci eu rhoncus efficitur, pellentesque nunc sem, accumsan eget finibus sed vestibulum

Submission Guidelines

Pi in the Sky accepts submissions by e-mail at pimsadmin@uvic.ca, on any subject related to mathematics and its applications, including articles, problems, cartoons, statements, and jokes. We also welcome Letters to the Editor from teachers, students, parents, and anyone interested in Mathematics Education (be sure to include your full name, phone number, and email address).

Articles should, by preference, be written in the LaTeX typesetting system and the submission should include both the uncompiled LaTeX file as well as the compiled PDF version. The style used in Pi In The Sky is implemented via a LaTeX class; the class file along with instructions on how to use it are available here: Pi In The SKy LaTeX Class. For prospective authors without access to LaTeX, articles submitted in Microsoft Word format will also be accepted.

Acceptance of submissions is subject to a refereeing process: submissions are sent to referees who are asked to assess the material for interest, presentation, and suitability for the target audience. Accepted contributions are subject to revision. Copyright of material submitted to the publisher and accepted for publication remains with the author, with the understanding that the publisher may reproduce it without royalty in print and electronic forms.