University of Calgary

The University of Calgary PIMS site office is located in the Mathematical Sciences Building at the University of Calgary (Map | Contact).

University of Calgary
Scientific, Seminar
UCalgary Peripatetic Seminar: Jason Parker
September 27, 2023
University of Calgary
In this talk, I will summarize the research on enriched algebraic theories, monads, and varieties that I produced with Rory Lucyshyn-Wright during my previous postdoctoral fellowship at Brandon University. I will start by providing a historical...
Richard & Louise Guy Lecture Series: Doris Schattschneider
October 5, 2023
University of Calgary
Imagery in M.C. Escher's graphic works not only makes obvious use of geometry, but often provides visual metaphors for abstract mathematical concepts. Again and again Escher strived to capture the concept of infinity. He was also fascinated by and a...
Scientific, Seminar
The PIMS Postdoctoral Fellow Seminar: Gregory Knapp
October 11, 2023
University of Calgary
In 1909, Thue proved that when $F(x,y) \in \mathbb{Z}[x,y]$ is irreducible, homogeneous, and has degree at least 3, the inequality $|F(x,y)| \leq h$ has finitely many integer-pair solutions for any positive $h$. Because of this result, the inequality...
Scientific, Seminar
UCalgary Peripatetic Seminar: Florian Schwarz
April 27, 2023
University of Calgary
A partial monoid is a set A with a multiplication and a unit, but the multiplication is only defined on a certain subset of pairs. This means the multiplication m:AxA -> A is a partial map, a map that is only defined on a certain subset of its domain...
Scientific, Conference
Alberta Graduate Mathematics and Statistics Conference
July 6–8, 2022
University of Calgary
The Alberta Graduate Mathematics and Statistics Conference (AGMSC) is a conference running from July 6, 2022 – July 8, 2022 hosted by the Graduate University Mathematics Society (GUMS) club at the University of Calgary. This conference is a place for...
Scientific, Seminar
UCalgary Peripatetic Seminar: Sacha Ikonicoff
April 29, 2022
University of Calgary
Cartesian Differential Categories are defined to introduce and study the notion of differential from calculus in a category theory point of view. In a Cartesian Differential Category, morphisms between objects can be « derived », and this...
Scientific, Seminar
UCalgary Peripatetic Seminar: Amolak Ratan Kalra
May 6, 2022
University of Calgary
It is known that the category of affine Lagrangian relations over a field F, of integers modulo a prime p (with p > 2) is isomorphic to the category of stabilizer quantum circuits for p-dits. Furthermore, it is known that electrical circuits...
Scientific, Distinguished Lecture
Richard & Louise Guy Lecture Series: Andrew Granville
October 6, 2022
University of Calgary
Richard Guy loved problems. He loved to share them and to encourage others to explore them. He loved to work with superstars like John Conway and make their ideas accessible to a wider world. But Richard also had a few problems that he obsessed on in...
Scientific, Seminar
UCalgary Peripatetic Seminar: Rachel Hardeman Morrill
March 3, 2023
University of Calgary
A-homotopy theory is a discrete homotopy theory for graphs. While A-homotopy theory has many of the nice properties of the classical homotopy theory on topological spaces, we would like to know if it also has a nice structure to work with as well. We...


Position Name Email Phone # Office
University of Calgary, Education Coordinator Armando Preciado Babb +1 (403) 220-5277 Education Tower 834
Co-Director Industrial Kristine Bauer +1 (403) 220-7675 MS 578
PIMS UCalgary Site Administrator Melissa Wrubleski (403) 220-5210 Mathematical Sciences 476
PIMS Site Director - University of Calgary Wenyuan Liao +1 (403) 220-3946 Mathematical Sciences 530
Name Position Research Interests Supervisor Year
Antoine Leudière PIMS Postdoctoral Fellow, University of Calgary Number Theory Renate Scheidler 2024
Trisha Lawrence PIMS Postdoctoral Fellow, University of Calgary Probability Theory & Spatio-Temporal Processes Deniz Sezer 2024
Gregory Knapp PIMS Postdoctoral Fellow, University of Calgary Number Theory Khoa Dang Nguyen 2023
Cintia Pacchiano PIMS Postdoctoral Fellow, University of Calgary Partial Differential Equations Cristian Rios 2022
Jordan Culp University of Calgary Cell Biology & Anatomy Wilten Nicola 2021
Thomas Theurer University of Calgary Quantum Theory Gilad Gour 2021
Kexue Zhang Postdoctoral Researcher, University of Calgary Systems theory, control Elena Braverman 2020
Sacha Ikonicoff University of Calgary Algebraic operads Kristine Bauer 2020
Hui Huang University of Calgary Partial differential equations Jianniao Qiu 2019
Qing Zhang University of Calgary Number Theory Clifton Cunningham 2018
Aurore Guillevic University of Calgary Discrete logarithm computation in large characteristic finite fields Michael J. Jacobson Jr 2015
Dániel Tamás Soukup University of Calgary Mathematical logic and foundations, combinatorics Claude Laflamme 2015
Ha Nguyen Thanh Tran University of Calgary Number Theory Renate Scheidler 2015
Hoan Bui Dang University of Calgary Quantum Theory Gilad Gour 2015
Khoa Lê University of Calgary Stochastics Deniz Sezer 2015
Bin Xu University of Calgary Number theory, Topological groups, Lie groups Clifton Cunningham 2014