Joint Mathematics Meeting 2021

The Pacific Institute for the Mathematical Sciences welcomes you to the 2021 Joint Mathematics Meeting Open House! Read on to learn more about PIMS and connect with us via Zoom on, Wednesday, January 6 from 4pm-6pm (MST) to find out how PIMS can help you.



Join PIMS JMM Open house on Zoom



About PIMS

PIMS is a distributed network of ten leading research universities in Western Canada and the United States. Through eventsthematic programs and training programs, PIMS strives to promote research and applications of the Mathematical Sciences and to enrich public awareness of mathematics.


The PIMS community is open to anyone wanting to learn more. To stay updated on all that PIMS offers, we encourage you to sign up for our monthly newsletter. We invite you to connect with us on TwitterMedium and Facebook too!




Program Highlights

  • The Collaborative Research Group (CRG) is one of our flagship programs which sponsors events and personnel to tackle cutting edge research problems. New CRGs are typically awarded annually and run for a period of up to three years.
  • The PIMS Postdoctoral Program is one of PIMS largest investments. Every year, we sponsor postdoctoral fellows throughout the PIMS network. Our Postdoctoral Fellows showcase their work through Emerging Research: The PIMS Postdoctoral Fellow Seminar.
  • As part of our 25th anniversary celebrations, PIMS has launched a new network wide colloquium. This program will feature distinguished speakers from throughout the mathematical sciences and is available online.
  • PIMS has launched two successful computational platforms: Callysto + and Syzygy. These programs offer free computational resources, training future generations of mathematical scientists. The syzygy service is deployed at almost all of the leading Canadian research universities and has been used by over 36000 people.
  • PIMS maintains This platform provides access to mathematical seminars and lecture materials, including videos, notes and slides.


Upcoming Events

Here are some of our January highlights...



2021 is shaping up to be an exciting year for PIMS. See our calendar for a full list of summer schools, conferences, CRGs and other events at PIMS. A poster [pdf] of 2021 event highlights is also available.


Finally, we invite you to join our Joint Mathematics Meeting Zoom Room (Wednesday, January 6th 4pm-6pm (MST) where the PIMS team will be delighted to meet you and answer questions you have.