University of Regina

The University of Regina PIMS site office is located in the Department of Mathematics and Statistics at the University of Regina (Map).

URegina College Campus
Scientific, Seminar
URegina Topology & Geometry Seminar: Evan Sundbo
October 24, 2024
University of Regina
We will see the definition and some examples of broken toric varieties and balloon animal maps between them. After an overview of some of the many different areas in which they appear, we look at how their geometry can be studied via complexes of...
Scientific, Seminar
URegina Topology and Geometry Seminar: Adela YiYu Zhang
November 7, 2024
The synthetic analogue of the bar comonad controls the universal differentials in the bar spectral sequence of algebras over spectral operads. This can be viewed as a deformation of Koszul duality of such algebras. I will explain ongoing work with...
Scientific, Seminar
URegina Topology & Geometry Seminar: Martin Frankland
September 26, 2024
University of Regina
Characteristic classes are certain cohomology classes that we assign to vector bundles. In this talk, we will first familiarize ourselves with cohomology. We will go over singular cohomology of spaces, the cup product, the cap product, along with...
Scientific, Seminar
URegina Topology & Geometry Seminar: Francis Bischoff
September 19, 2024
University of Regina
Can you embed the real projective plane in three-dimensional space? Motivated by this and similar questions, I will introduce the correspondence between real line bundles and hypersurfaces, the first Stiefel-Whitney class, and Poincare duality. In...
Scientific, Seminar
URegina Topology & Geometry Seminar: Wojciech Chachólski
April 16, 2024
University of Regina
For a successful analysis a suitable representation of data by objects amenable for statistical methods is fundamental. There has been an explosion of applications in which homological representations of data played a significant role. I will present...
Scientific, Colloquia
URegina-PIMS Distinguished Lecture: Marco Gualtieri
April 9, 2024
University of Regina
Generalized geometry, introduced by Hitchin in the early 2000s, has not only grown into a formalism for understanding previously mysterious constructions in physics (especially in supersymmetric sigma models) but has also led to the discovery of new...
Scientific, Seminar
URegina Topology & Geometry Seminar: Olivia Borghi
April 3, 2024
A symmetric monoidal category is a category equipped with a monoidal product that is uniquely commutative up to isomorphism. In this way the iterated monoidal product has an action from the symmetric groups. We can generalize this notion by allowing...
Scientific, Seminar
URegina Topology & Geometry Seminar: Manak Singh
March 27, 2024
University of Regina
The Bar and Cobar functors pair up to form an adjunction between the category of dg-algebras and dg-coalgebras. This adjunction can be used as a tool to provide a quasi-free resolution for any dg-algebra. We work out such a resolution for the case of...
Scientific, Seminar
URegina Topology & Geometry Seminar: Mahmoud Zeinalian
March 20, 2024
University of Regina
I will review some of the basic machinery used in formulating characteristic classes for coherent sheaves on complex manifolds. The main ideas go back to the fundamental work of Toledo and Tong in the 70s. A natural extension of their ideas leads to...


Position Name Email Phone # Office
PIMS Site Director - University of Regina Allen Herman +1 (306) 585-4487 College West 307.18
Site Administrator, University of Regina Connie Renwick (306) 337-3122
Education Coordinator - University of Regina Patrick Maidorn +1 (306) 585-4013 College West 307.3
Name Position Research Interests Supervisor Year
Alice Lacaze-Masmonteil PIMS-CNRS Postdoctoral Fellow, University of Regina Combinatorics Karen Meagher 2024
Samir Mondal PIMS Postdoctoral Fellow, University of Regina Linear Algebra, Matrix Theory & Combinatorics Shaun Fallat 2024
Himanshu Gupta PIMS Postdoctoral Fellow, University of Regina Combinatorics Shaun Fallat 2023
Prateek Vishwakarma PIMS Postdoctoral Fellow, University of Regina Linear and Multilinear Algebra, Matrix Theory Shaun Fallat 2021
Venkata Raghu Tej Pantangi Postdoctoral Researcher Group Theory and Generalizations Karen Meagher 2021
Seyed Ahmad Mojallal Postdoctoral Researcher, University of Regina Combinatorics Shaun Fallat 2020
Tseleung So University of Regina Algebraic topology Donald Stanley 2019
Ferdinand Ihringer University of Regina Combinatorics Karen Meagher 2016
Asghar Ghorbanpour University of Regina Geometry 2015
Paul Arnaud Songhafouo Tsopmene University of Regina 2015