On the Interface of Geometric Measure Theory and Harmonic Analysis Workshop
On the Interface of Geometric Measure Theory and Harmonic Analysis
The Banff International Research Station will host the “On the Interface of Geometric Measure Theory and Harmonic Analysis” workshop in Banff from June 9 - 14, 2024.
With a history dating back to Leibniz, the modern study of fractals is of interest to a broad range of scientific communities; applied applications include describing Brownian motion of a particle, turbulence in fluids, MR diffusion data, and vascularity of tumors.
The development of new tools and systematic methods to study these sets is in demand. The Fourier transform is a powerful tool in classical analysis, geometric measure theory, mathematical physics, dynamical systems, and has varied applications. The first application of Fourier transforms to fractal geometry was Kaufman's [1968] proof of one direction of Marstrand's classical projection theorem. Since, there has been substantial progress on understanding the geometry of fractal sets using Fourier analysis, and the arising problems have attracted people from diverse fields of mathematics including number theory, dynamical systems, combinatorics, and harmonic analysis. This workshop aims to set the stage for further progress on understanding the geometry of fractal sets and broader connections to harmonic analysis and other areas of mathematics.
Additional Information
Full schedule details can be found here