Lethbridge Number Theory and Combinatorics Seminar: Shabnam Akhtari (Online)
How to count (cubic and quartic) binary forms
In order to study interesting arithmetic, algebraic, analytic and geometric properties of binary forms, we often need a way to order them. I will discuss some natural ways to order binary forms F(x , y) with integer coefficients, especially those of degree 3 and 4. I will show some of my recent works as examples of the importance of understanding the invariant theory of integral binary forms in order to count these important arithmetic objects.
Additional Information
To Join this event:
Zoom link: https://uleth.zoom.us/j/94417300102
Password required: available from the organizers (nathan.ng@uleth.ca or Dave.Morris@uleth.ca).
If possible, please write from a verifiable university email address, and not at the last minute.
Shabnam Akhtari, UOregon
This is a Past Event
Event Type
Scientific, Seminar
June 29, 2020