Lethbridge Analysis Seminar: Niushan Gao
Quantifying the Risk of An Investment.
In this talk, I will briefly review the basic modeling of Mathematical Finance, and then focus on how to numerically measure the risk of a financial position. For the latter purpose, we will introduce the notions of coherent risk measures and convex monetary risk measures. The main result I will present is a robust representation theorem of convex monetary risk measures on all Orlicz spaces other than L1. No prerequisite is needed except some fundamentals of probability theory such as denitions of Lp-spaces and of functional analysis such as denitions of dual spaces and w-topology.
This is joint work with F. Xanthos (Ryerson University).
Additional Information
Location: Room D634
Niushan Gao, University of Lethbridge
Niushan Gao, University of Lethbridge
This is a Past Event
Event Type
Scientific, Seminar
October 21, 2016