International Conference in Harmonic Analysis
Harmonic analysis encompasses a tremendous variety of problems, but the field is united by the technique of studying functions and operators in terms of simpler but highly informative building blocks. While rooted in classical analysis, the field lies at the interface of several different areas of mathematics such as partial differential equations, several complex variables, analytic number theory, additive combinatorics and algebraic geometry.
The objective of the workshop is to bring together an international group of experts and graduate students with a diversity of research interests within harmonic analysis who would be able to provide a comprehensive overview of the development of the field and many of its core problems.
Additional Information
Participant support and contributed talks
Please send an email to with your name, institutional affiliation, and dates of attendance to register for the conference.
There is still some limited funding available for junior participants from Canadian universities. If you would like to apply for funding, please send an email to with a brief statement regarding your interest in the conference, and an explanation of your funding needs. Graduate students should also have their advisor send a brief letter of recommendation to this email address. Applications for funding will be evaluated on a rolling basis, and thus should be submitted soon. Those applying for reimbursement for airfare should consult the organizers before purchasing airfare.
For further information, please visit the conference webpage.
Confirmed speakers:
Jonathan Bennett (Birmingham)
Almut Burchard (Toronto)
Anthony Carbery (Edinburgh)
Michael Christ (Berkeley)
Guy David (Orsay)
Ciprian Demeter (Indiana)
Burak Erdogan (UIUC)
Alessio Figalli (U Texas)
Michael Goldberg (Cincinnati)
Nets Katz (CalTech)
Carlos Kenig (U Chicago)
Alexander Kiselev (Rice)
Izabella Laba (UBC)
Michael Lacey (Georgia Tech)
Xiaochun Li (UIUC)
Svitlana Mayboroda (Minnesota)
Detlef Müller (CAU Kiel)
Alexander Nagel (UW Madison)
Jill Pipher (Brown)
Elias M. Stein (Princeton)
Terence Tao (UCLA)
Christoph Thiele (Bonn)
Alexander Volberg (Michigan State)
James Wright (Edinburgh)