The 2011 Canadian Workshop on Information Theory
The workshop will include the following topics and more:
- Shannon Theory, Application of Information Theory, Multiuser Information Theory, Quantum Information Processing, Coding Theory and Practice, Coded Modulation, Data Compression and Source Coding, Communication Systems, Cooperative Communication, Cryptology and Data Security, Information Theory and Statistics, Signal Processing, Pattern Recognition and Learning, Sequences and Complexity, Multi-terminal Information Theory, Data Networks, Detection and Estimation, Cognitive Radio, etc.
Please see the official event webpage for further information:
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Plenary Speakers:
Prof. Frank Kschischang (University of Toronto)
Prof. Vahid Tarokh (Harvard Univeristy)
Prof. David Tse (University of California, Berkeley)
Banquet Speaker:
Martin Mallinson (ESS Technology)

This is a Past Event
Event Type
Scientific, Conference
May 17–20, 2011