Subfactors and (1+1)-dimensional TQFTs (Part 1)
In this joint work with Vijay Kodiyalam (IMSc, Chennai) and Vishwambhar
Pati (ISI, Bangalore), we construct a certain 'cobordism category' D
whose morphisms are suitably decorated cobordism classes between
similarly decorated closed oriented 1-manifolds, and show that there is
essentially a bijection between (1+1-dimensional) unitary topological
quantum field theories (TQFTs) defined on D, on the one hand, and
Jones' subfactor planar algebras, on the other.
Time permitting, we shall show how this leads to an alternate description of Kuperberg's 'quantum invariant' of 3-manifolds associated to Hopf algebras.
Time permitting, we shall show how this leads to an alternate description of Kuperberg's 'quantum invariant' of 3-manifolds associated to Hopf algebras.
This is a Past Event
Event Type
Scientific, Seminar
September 12, 2006